RTC will begin using Canvas campus-wide starting Fall 2013. All online/hybrid cuorses will be taught in Canvas, and the entire faculty will use Canvas for grading.  To log in to Canvas, go to

If you are a new instructor and don't yet have a Canvas account, contact Liz Falconer at

Take the online Canvas orientation here. 

Faculty trainings are offered regularly Contact Liz Falconer at for information.

Here is a playlist of  Videos created by Liz: Canvas Info for Instructors:
Canvas Info for Instructors

Here is the Canvas Instructor Guide:
Guide for Instructors

Here is the Video Guide for Instructors:
Video Guide

Here is the instructure Blog:
Instructure Blog

Grading in Canvas: Canvas Grading

Here is the powerpoint presentation from Liz's 2012 in-service, showing the background of how and why we are moving to Canvas:
A Sneak Peek at Canvas

ANGEL to Canvas: Migration Tips

Here is Stephanie Delaney's blog about her experience of moving an online course from Angel to Canvas: Stephanie Plans a Class